Upcoming Events:
Ladies' Community Breakfast
Monday October 7 at 9:00AM
Thursday October , beginning at 5:00 pm.
Supper. Craft. Gifts. Devotion.
Ladies' Bible Study each Tuesday at 10:00 am.
Wild Game Dinner
September 28 at 3:00 pm.
Refresh Conference with Dale Hill.
Sunday September 29th- October 2nd. Sunday Morning at 11:00 and each evening at 6:00.
Weekly Events
Sundays: Choir practice - Paused until July 28th Mondays: Co-ed Volleyball at 6:00 pm Tuesdays: Women's Bible Study at 10:00AM. Wednesdays: Awana Kids club & Ignite for Youth Thursdays: J-Walkers Young Adults at 6:30 pm Monthly Events
GLOW Women's Ministry for women Men's Ministry Prayer Breakfast: First Saturday each month at 8:00 am |